I'm happy to announce that LiClipse 7.1.0 is now available for download.
LiClipse is now based on Eclipse 4.17 (2020-09), one really nice features is that this now enables dark-scrollbars for trees on Windows.
I think an image may be worth a thousand words here, so below is a screenshot showing how the LiClipse Dark theme looks like (on Windows) with the changes!
This release also updates PyDev to 8.1.0, which provides support for Python 3.9 as well as quick-fixes to convert strings to f-strings, among many other things (see: https://pydev.blogspot.com/2020/12/pydev-810-released-python-39-code.html for more details).
Another upgraded dependency is LiClipseText 2.2.0, which now provides grammars to support TypeScript, RobotFramework and JSON by default.